
Fast Shipping! We do our best to send orders as quickly as possible.

Canada Ground Delivery Charges*

Orders to $50.00: $17.00
$50.01-$75.00: $17.50
$75.01-$100.00: $18.00
$100.01-$150.00: $18.50
$150.01-$200.00: $19.00
$200.01-$300.00: $20.00
$300.01+: add $2.00 for each additional $100

*Note: Some items require an additional surcharge due to dimension and weight restrictions. These charges apply regardless of offer.

Standard Shipping and Handling Charges

Shown in the Shipping Rate Chart.

Optional Express Saver

Available guaranteed delivery to most destinations in 2 days for $30.00 per box plus rate chart shipping charges (20 pound limit).

Canadian Customer Service

Toll Free - 800-387-5331